Stopper maxi mit Konusverschluss Ø 22 mm
Mit dem Stopper können Mauerstärken aus Faserzement und Kunststoff innen druckdicht verschlossen werden. Beständigkeit: Wasser, UV, Ozon, verdünnte Säuren + Laugen, Gülle + Jauche, Gärungsmaische, Öle + Bitumen, Radon + Methangas,...
Gun cleaner 500 ml
The PU foam cleaner is a highly active cold cleaner for rinsing PU foam guns and removing fresh PU foam contamination. Field of use: PU foam cleaner was specially developed for removing fresh PU foam residues and for cleaning PU foam...
PU foam gun
The assembly pistol for comfortable, effective work. The plastic tubes included in the original box are only to be used for exposed areas that cannot be reached directly with the foam gun.
Gun well foam 750 ml
Pistol foam well B3 is a permanent, one-component assembly foam based on polyurethane for bonding well manhole rings and pipes made of concrete, clay and ceramics. The foam seals and fills the joints and hardens with moisture from the...
Distance strips AB
The distance stripes are situated between the upper and lower reinforcement panel as well as between the external and internal reinforcement wall. They don t sit on the formwork (no plastic feet) therefore, a proper exposed concrete can...
SBA basket
These spacer-baskets are situated between the upper and the lower reinforcment panels. Elementh length: 200 cm They don't sit on the formwork (no plastic feet), therefore a proper exposed concrete can be arised.
Colour spray
Colour spray 500 ml for precise and professional marks. Available in different colours.
Anschlusstrichter AT 110
Anschlusstrichter mit und ohne vormontiertes KG-Rohr erhältlich. Eigenschaften und technische Daten: lieferbar in DN 100 (Außendurchmesser 110 mm) Auslieferung inkl. Verschlussdeckel als Schutz gegen Beton und Schmutz, trittsicher und...
Tunnel rebar char plastic
Tunnel rebar char plastic for reinforcement Ø 8 - 10 mm. PRODUCT FEATURES: Best concrete flow through open shape. Strongly chamfered to protect the tunnel sealing. Rebar easy to insert through conical design of the seat.
Miniprisma Ø 25,4 mm magnetisch
Miniprisma dreh und kippbar (magnetisch) kann zur schnellen Montage sogar auf schwierigem Untergrund wie z.B. Glas- und Marmorfassaden, historischen Gebäuden, Gas- und Ölpipelines usw. einfach aufgeklebt oder mit Dübeln und Schrauben...